About Coop Bank
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Forms & Guides
Call: +255 (27) 275 4470
Personal Banking
Salary Account
Mtoto Account
Jasiri Account
Msomi Account (S16)
Mama Afrika Account
Juhudi Account
Mjengo Account
Baba Pesa Account
Kilimo Tija Account
Mafao Account
Business Banking
Individual Current Account
Co-operative Current Account
Jasiri Current Account
Pamoja Savings Account
Digital Banking
Coop Mobile Banking
ATM Cards
Swift Transfers/ TISS Facility
Loan Products
Over Drafts
Maendeleo Group Loan
Trade Loans
Salary based loan
Uwezeshaji loan
Pembejeo Loans
Warehouse receipt system
Internet Banking
Co-operative Current Account
An account designed specifically to drive financial inclusion, targeting co-operatives, Unions, Joint Ventures, AMCOS, SACOSS, etc
Multi-currency: TZS|USD|EURO|GBP.
Initial Opening Balance- TZS 100,000|FOREX 100.
Min Operating Balance- TZS 100,000|FOREX 100.
Subject to transactional fees and monthly fees.
Joint operation is allowed.
To operate with Cheque.
Fund Security.
Affordable Operating Balance.
Attractive interest rate
Signatories must be 18 years and above
Legal ID (NIDA ID/ Voter’s ID/Driver’s License/ Passport/ Zanzibar National ID).
VEO/ WEO Letter (if using IDs apart from National ID).
2 Passport size photos each.
Group resolution/ Minutes of members meeting authorizing the opening of account and operating mandate (At least 3 Signatories).
Group Constitution.
Group/ Association certificate of registration, OR introduction letter from relevant authority such as employer or government official.
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